What Type of Chemical Peel?
There different types of chemical peels used by Dr. Melamed to treat many different skin conditions (see below). The types of peels performed by Dr. Melamed at West LA Medical & Skincare can be divided into five categories:
Alpha Hydroxy Acid Peels
Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) are derived from naturally occurring acids such as glycolic acid (from sugar cane juice and lactic acid/sour milk and tomato juice). The most common AHA peel is Glycolic Acid 30-45% and Lactic Acid 15-30% concentrations used to treat fine wrinkles, areas of dryness, uneven pigmentation and acne.
Beta Hydroxy Acid Peels
Beta hydroxy acids (BHA) are derived from many sources and tend to reach deeper into the skin than AHAs. The most common example is Salicylic acid 20-30% (sometimes derived from Aspirin). Due to its ability to get deeper into the skin, BHAs are used to control oiliness, acne, and to remove dead skin cells.
Jessner’s Peel
Jessner’s peel solution is a combination of salicylic acid, lactic acid, and resorcinol. This offers a benefit from both AHA and BHAs. Used to treat wrinkles and uneven pigmentation.
Trichloroacetic Acid Peels
Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is used as an intermediate to deep peeling agent in concentrations ranging from 20-40%. This is used for a more aggressive treatment or for patients with darker skin. TCA peels are used to treat wrinkles, remove superficial blemishes, and skin pigment.
What Is Medical Micropeel?
Medical Micropeel is a combination of a microdermabrasion and chemical peel performed during the same visit with Dr. Melamed. First the top skin layers (stratum corneum) of dead skin cells are gently exfoliated. Then an appropriate chemical peel is selected to treat your skin.
What is difference between chemical peel done in a spa and the one done by Dr. Melamed?
The chemical peels performed in spa use spa-grade chemicals. Since the services are not performed or monitored by a physician, the spas are unable to use products that are truly effective. Most spas will use mild peeling agents or fruit-derived agents that provide a pleasant experience for the client. Medical-grade peeling treatments are relatively more complex.
Only a medical-grade chemical peel will provide you with the specialized treatments for acne, scars, skin discoloration and extensive wrinkle reduction.
West LA Medical & Skincare offers only Medical-grade Peels and Microdermabrasion services.
What Should I Expect from Medical Chemical Peel?
- You will first have your skin cleaned and toned with gentle care
- If you are receiving the Micropeel, then the Medical Microdermabrasion session will start, lasting approximately 30-minutes.
- An appropriate pre-peeling agent is applied to your skin by the doctor. The pre-peel agent helps soften your skin and prepare it for the chemical peel. The pre-peel agent is then removed.
- An appropriate peeling agent is applied to your skin by the doctor. The peeling agent is left on your skin for a length of time, then removed (or neutralized) by Dr. Melamed.
- Your skin is thoroughly washed and cooled with a soothing mist, then an appropriate moisturizer and sun-screen is applied.
- Follow up home care instructions for your skin type will be reviewed. Skin care products may be recommended to assist you with your goals. It is strongly advised that you arrive for your first session with your current skin care products so the doctor & esthetician can review these products with you.
What conditions will Medical Chemical Peels help?
- Blackheads & Whiteheads
- Fine Wrinkles
- Sun Damaged Skin
- Acne Prone Skin
- Superficial Age Spots
- Oily Skin
- Post Laser Blending
- Superficial Age Spots
- Dull, oily or leathery skin texture
- Contracting enlarged pores
- Exfoliating and suctioning clogged pores in acne cases
- Polishing and reducing fine lines
- Mild acne scarring
- Mild pigment irregularities
- Enhancing penetration of therapeutic agents
How long before I notice results from my Medical Chemical Peel procedure?
Patients will notice immediate improvement in the texture and appearance of their skin after the first treatment.
What are the results of Medical Chemical Peel?
Medical Chemical Peel treatments result in rejuvenation of aged skin and improvement in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, hyper pigmentation, scars, and acne. After a treatment, you can expect your skin to have a pink glow that usually last from 30 minutes to a day.
If you have any questions about Medical Peel or Micropeels or any other procedure or would like to make a Complimentary Consultation please schedule and Online Appointment or call toll free 1-88-88-West LA (310-473-1734).