Non-Surgical Procedures To Combat Aging

April 4, 2019 7:08 am Published by

While face-lifts and major invasive surgeries are still popular, many are turning to non-surgical procedures to roll back the years. These procedures are much subtler, delivering natural looking results, and require minimal recovery time. For those who want results that fit into their busy schedule, our procedures are the perfect fit.

So, what is there to choose from?

PRP Infusion

Use your body’s own natural compounds to stimulate stem cells and healing factors. Just one treatment can tighten loose skin and give you more fullness. Platelet Rich Plasm (PRP) is derived from a simple blood draw. In less than 15 minutes Dr. Melamed can produce a super-concentrated formula that will invigorate your skin. There is minimal downtime with redness and swelling that resolves overnight.

Chemical Peels

Peels come in a variety of strengths and chemical variants. Once applied, the chemicals within the peel formulation begin to breakdown the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin – these cells peel away to reveal rejuvenated, glowing and less wrinkled skin. The most effective peels to combat aging are Trichloroacetic Acid peels, and Alpha Hydroxy Acid peels (such as glycolic acid) . There is minimal recovery time for gentler peels, while a more aggressive treatment may require a longer recovery. The results are are obvious, and you will be advised to wear sunscreen to protect the fresh skin.

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